Refund Policy
Full refund with more than 72hrs notice
50% refund with 48hrs notice
You are not entitled to a refund with less than 48hrs notice
In exceptional circumstances a voucher may be offered in place of a refund for last minute cancellations. Please be aware that party slots are usually impossible to re-sell last minute so no refund or voucher is likely to be offered.
Freedog Bristol Ltd shall be entitled to cancel a booking at any time. If we do have to cancel a customer‘s booking, we will use their contact details to attempt to notify them as soon as possible. The customer shall be entitled to a full refund (or voucher for the full amount) limited to the sums paid in relation to the booking being cancelled, and no other compensation shall be payable. We will of course only make these cancellations in exceptional circumstances and as a last resort.
Please be aware that refunds can only be made to the person who originally made the booking. This is a legal requirement to discourage money laundering, therefore photographic identification may be required.